Olendian Dress up

Olendian Dress up

Game by ajbox

Out in a galaxy far far away floats a simple planet much like Earth. Human looking aliens known as the Olendians live on this planet. Olendians stand out due to their bright red cheek marks on their face and goat like eyes. They live in a caste society separated by a lower, middle, and upper class, and noble class. The noble class is special because they posses special powers let it be manipulation, to summoning objects, and so on. The nobles are highly respected and are known to be the special line of defense if the planet is in danger.

Have fun creating an Olendian gal of your own. You are free to share it with others but please don't claim the artwork or the Olendian race as your own. Please support the official creator.

Special thanks go to Criaha for programing the dress up together. Check out their work right here- https://meiker.io/games/creator/5373?utm_source=meiker_12132

Tags: alien girl dress-up olendian magical-girl magic sci-fi avatar-maker high-fantasy science-fiction

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