Waterbender Dress Up

Waterbender Dress Up

Game by dolldivine

Artwork by Alisa Christopher


It's back, in parts, digitally re-mastered at twice the resolution: a beautiful dress up game inspired by Katara from the tv show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Dress up Katara in all her classic outfits from the tv show, including both north and south pole as well as fire and earth nation outfits. Mix and match colors to create a new look. Finally, choose a scene to place her in and choose a male companion, whether it be Aang, Zuko or Jet. Are you a Zutara or Kataang shipper? Embrace your elemental nation and decide!

Tags: avatar-the-last-airbender atlab avatar airbender katara aang zuko jet elements kimono cartoon tv-shows asia waterbender dress-up-game high-fantasy science-fiction historical

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