Vintage Swimwear

Vintage Swimwear

Game by siamesa

Dress up with swimwear from the Gilded Age to the seventies, with particular focus on midcentury styles. She's ready for the beach, the pool, or a pinup photoshoot, with swimsuits, coverups, and sunglasses a-plenty.

Many of the suits and accessories in this game, as with my other historical games, are based on actual pieces and illustrations from the 1910s to the 1970s, with particular thanks as always to the wonderful references at The swimsuit in the preview belonged to my great-grandmother and currently sits on a mannequin downstairs.

I'd love to see what you make with this, either on the site or the Meiker discord! For more of my art (and history ramblings), you can visit me at

Brush credits to MoFox and FireAlpaca.

Tags: swimsuit swimwear beach swimsuits 20th-century thirties forties fifties sixties dress-up-game modern-fashion historical

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