Personality Sneak-Peek (Expanded)

Personality Sneak-Peek (Expanded)

Game by vega-spica

update 1/1/2024: thank you, so much, to everyone that supported this project. a new, animated version of this previewer has been built, can be found at


a (very limited) demo of what the Personality Sneak-Peek in Dragon Village Collection might look like if it were expanded. this is in its early stages and is not intended to be an exact representation of what appears in-game.

all Dragon Village characters and art belong to Highbrow. this is not being monetised—it is simply a free resource to the community. if this demo was helpful to you, please consider sharing my referral link:


there are three categories: Background, Aura, and Dragon. so long as you do not choose randomize, the aura's front portion (if it has any) will automatically load with the back. if you accidentally press randomize, simply open the "X" category, click the trash can, then go back and choose an aura again.

update (11/30/2023): i have added the ability to select between male and female for some dragons. while in the dragon tab, click a dragon species. if it has dimorphism added here, a paintbrush will appear to allow you to choose between the two.

mobile users: view in desktop mode and set your phone to landscape for best results.

Tags: dragon village collection dvc personality aura dress-up-game fantasy

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