Khelim Icon Maker

Khelim Icon Maker

Game by meinona


Version : V1.0

"Water is as clear as Selka's glass, why not take a look at yourself, Khelim?"


This fan project is based on Might and Delight’s game: Book of Travels. This is a non-monetary product and we hold no copyright and trademarks to any of the official assets, design and terms used. We were given permission to make and upload this under their credit.

A collaboration piece with a party of 5, all started with a conversation in June 2022.

Due to the vast number of assets and ideas, this game (if we still have the steam to carry on with us!) will have updates in the future.

We have 3 PHASEs and this upload concludes PHASE 1.

PHASE 1: Default Looks from Book of Travels

PHASE 2: In game equipment

PHASE 3: Custom ideas from the party.

If you want to look behind the scenes or be up to date on our progress in the future, you can check our Notion page where we do our project management at! Be sure to check out the 'About Us' page to also support the Crafters involved!

We are also always looking for some additional help with the huge amount of clothes we want to add, so if you are interested to help, we are mostly active in Might and Delight's Discord under #creativity.

Tags: book-of-travels game icon khelim might-and-delight asia avatar avatar-maker historical

Derivative works permissions:

Usable in Meiker Books

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